Rapport Circus

‘Rapport Circus’ showcases a series of works by Park Min Joon in a variety of mediums, ranging from mixed media installation to acrylic painting.  Telling the story of ‘Rapu’, a fictional character created by the artist, Park Min Joon uses the trope of the circus as a beautiful, macabre, bizarre spectacle. A tangle of whirling rope frozen in mid air almost striking out like a serpent; a figure of a man balancing on a tightrope across a rainbow prism of light; the play of shadows hinting at a darkness ready to envelope Rapu.

The works are presented in a spellbinding story, the contorted forms at once sinister and enticing. The viewer is entertained by the drama of each scene, yet at the same time struck by the poignant longing behind the canvas – somehow the pretending clowns amplify the loneliness of the heart.

When 24 Oct – 25 Nov 2018
Where Gallery Hyundai
What Rapport Circus
Artist Park Min Joon